BOLD Learning Community


Bridging Opportunities in Leadership and Diversity (BOLD) is a fantastic opportunity for students who are interested in academic success, leadership skills, and making new friends.

As a learning community, our unique four-year program explores leadership from a multicultural perspective. BOLD uses a cohort model to build bonds between students; we provide academic support through free tutoring and one-on-one meetings with staff. Our program also includes community building activities and opportunities for students to build their leadership capacities on campus. The following is a general overview of the four-year experience.


  • Fall semester: LAS 1050: BOLD Learning Community Seminar (1cr).
  • Spring semester: LAS 1060: BOLD Learning Community Orientation (1cr).
  • Participation in a peer-mentoring group with BOLD mentors.
  • Participation in community-building activities on and off campus.

  • Fall semester: LAS 2050: Multicultural Leadership and Communication (1 cr).
  • Spring semester: LAS 2060: Multicultural Leadership in Practice (1 cr).
  • Participation in community-building activities on and outside of campus.
  • Work as part of a group to implement a campus leadership project.

  • Students will choose an active learning opportunity that broadens their worldview, gives them disciplinary experience, and enhances their resume.
  • Examples of active learning opportunities:
    • Apply to internships that align with career goals
    • Study abroad experience of your choosing
    • Professional development at an academic conference

  • Refine materials to apply for graduate school or employment opportunities
    • Assistance with writing resume/statement of purpose/cover letter
    • Cap and gown/stoles paid for
    • Graduate school applications paid for
  • Participate in mock interviews for the next step after graduation


BOLD is a student success program open to all students with a major in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, including Open Option. We utilize research-based theories on multicultural student leadership development to prepare those interested in leading change within communities of color.


  • Build an instant community of life-long friends with multicultural students.
  • Develop culturally relevant leadership skills to address the issues of today.
  • Acquire the skills that employers and graduate programs are looking for.
  • And in your second year…become a peer mentor too!

How to join

Contact any of the program staff listed below. Then, tell your advisor to add you to LAS 1050: BOLD Learning Community Orientation during your summer orientation.


Arnold Woods III, M.Ed

Director of Multicultural Student Success and BOLD Learning Community Coordinator
208D Carver Hall
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Iowa State University

Safe spaces and learning environments

BOLD was created in 2014.  Current research and best practices are incorporated into the design of the learning community. Research shows that the success of students of color depends on the following: sense of belonging on campus; a connection to students, staff, and faculty who reflect and understand their diverse experiences and identities; and a safe space to have a dialogue about their current experiences. Thus, the different components in BOLD directly meet those needs. All students are welcome.